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The 'P' Word

The 'P' word. Pregnant. I am pregnant. You know truthfully it took me awhile to find the courage to say that sentence. I think its because of several reasons. First being I was scared. I feel like no matter what age you become pregnant at its always scary. This is a new chapter in your life. Your life is about to completely change from this day forward. No matter what you decide to do, it is lifechanging. I mean think about it....I have to now take care of a human?!!! LIKE WHAT?!! I can barely even make eggs! LOL. But something in me felt like this is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to me no matter how scary it may feel. The second reason I felt so scared was because I wasn't married. Sounds so old school, I know. But honestly, I am such a planned out person. If you know me personally then you know that my whole life is my agenda and I take that thing EVERYWHERE with me. I will literally plan out my week, my clients, my nail appointments, my goals--you get the point. My life is planned out. So when I found out I was shocked that this wasn't "in plan" of what I had. However, I have learned two things in goes as planned. And two...EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I can go on and on about how I was in a situation (good or bad) then look back and think "wow I am so glad that happened". But that's a story for another day. But just know that I have never looked back and regretted any situation because it has lead me to the position I am today. I truly believe that God has a plan for us. Sometimes we may not know or understand what that plan is, but I just know in faith everything will work out.

Once I found out I was pregnant I of course immediately told Cole (he was in the other room when I took the test). I was so unbelievably scared I had no idea what his reaction was going to be. And the absolute most surprising thing happened...he was so calm, supportive, and reassuring that all is going to be okay. That's when I knew I really was the most luckiest girl in the world. It might sound crazy but before we found out I was pregnant Cole would always tell me "give me a couple more months and you will be my wife." So after we found out I was pregnant we agreed we wanted to be married by the time the baby was here. Honestly we were about to just get married and not tell anyone. But then realized of course our families are going to want to be there in support of us. Which I completely understand. Not to mention, who wouldn't want to celebrate love with the people who love you the most!

So we had a plan. Our plan was to get married (honestly at the time we were just thinking something realllllly small like 20 people), find a place to live and move in with each other, then start our lives for our family! First thing is first...telling our families. I can't even explain how blessed we are to have the support that we do. Our families have been there the whole entire way with nothing but love, support, and happiness for us. After we told them we went to the doctors for a sonogram. Truthfully I was surprised by how early I was in my pregnancy. I found out when I was only 6 weeks pregnant! It was the most amazing thing to see. This litttttttle tiny pea in my belly with this flickering light (her heartbeat) just "ba boom..." it was such a sweet moment shared with me, Cole, and my mom. After that moment it was "real". We started telling our close friends and family but of course as you know Corpus is small and words get out fast. Not to mention I'm pretty sure it was obvious with me not downing my Lydia Martini's from The Post every Saturday night lol. I will say I had a lot of mix feelings about people coming up to me saying "I heard, congrats!" as I felt this was MY news to share. And I didn't even get the chance to share it MYself. However, I took a second to think about it. Why be upset about people finding out without an "official" social media post? Instead why feel upset when I can feel thrilled, excited, happy, loved by sooo many who have heard the news and want nothing but the best for me! After that I truly felt more and more excited to see how much support I have, even from strangers! It's crazy what a baby will bring out and all of the emotions it comes with it. At this point I told some more people who I collaborate with, work with, friends, colleagues, etc.

It's crazy how advance medicine and technology is. At only 10 to 12 weeks pregnant I got to take a blood test to check out the genetics, gender, and everything we will need to know about our baby! (She is healthy!) Funny story--we actually had planned this huge gender reveal the weekend before 4th of July until we came closer and closer to the date and realized we weren't getting the results anytime soon! So just a heads up, if you ever plan a gender reveal make sure you have the results in hand before you book a day and time LOL. But it all worked out and we had our reveal on 4th of July! And no....we did NOT know the gender! I got an email asking "would you like to know the gender of your baby?" and I could either click 'yes show me' or 'no let me send this to a loved one and be surprised later' and sent it over to my friend Morgan who was THE ONLY person who knew. IT WAS SO HARD TO NOT CHEAT THO IM NOT LYING LOL. But very proud of myself for not doing it! After we publicly announced it I can't even explain how much love I truly felt from everyone. You know, social media often times has a reputation for being "bad" but its times like this where so much good can come out of it. I had TONS of young moms reach out to me saying "if you ever need anything, feel lonely, or just need another mom friend I am here for you!" It's insane to see how being a mother can really open your hearts to others. Even if all you have ever met is through social media. I want to thank those women as it feels so good to know that I am not alone in this. This goes for anyone who is reading this and is in the same situation--know that you are not alone and if you ever need a mom friend to talk to, listen, laugh, or even cry I am here for you! After talking to some of these ladies and explaining how we did the blood test I then started to hear allllll of these stories of how women would do the test, then go for their sonogram and it would be the opposite gender! LOL How crazy is that! We have our 21 week check up at the end of the month which I am SO excited to see our baby girl, Ryder Rae Hallick!

I am currently in my second trimester and feeling really awesome honestly! In the first trimester I was EXHAUSTED. I would little take one client, lock the door, take a nap, take another client, lock the door, take another nap and so forth lol. I never got morning sickness however I always got nighttime sickness. Never failed around dinner time I would start to feel nauseous. My mother was the same way. My doctor told me basically how my mothers pregnancies went is kinda how mine will go. I am very happy to be out of that stage though. I have tons of energy now, no longer sick, and feeling motivated to get everything in order before she comes! (Definitely taking advantage of this now before it goes away lol) When it comes to my cravings, I crave about anything and everything that is sour. Give me allllll the sour candy, straws, juice-- I want to make that pinched up face while eating it! I will say, I have defff noticed a changed in what I like and dislike. For example, before I got pregnant I LOVED all things raw. Sushi, seafood, steaks--I looooved when my steaks would be cooked rare. Now looking at a bleeding steaks me want to gag. Don't judge.....but I am now....a....MEDIUM WELL STEAK EATER. Please no hate comments on this as I am already giving myself enough hate LOL :P . I am hoping after my pregnancy I will go back to my normal taste buds cause I will cry if its crawfish season and I STILL hate seafood!! That just won't work living in South Texas haha.

As time goes on I love looking down and seeing this belly grow. Watching Cole and I grow not only as a couple but soon to be parents. This is truly the most happy I've ever been. Now don't let this fool you...its not all rainbows and butterflies. Ohhhh NOOOO. Far from it. There are days that are stressful. Days where I wanna cry. And with no means will it get easier once the baby is here. If anything it will be harder. But what I know and what I am preparing myself for is at the end of the day it will all be okay. Surround yourself with positive people. People who care for you. People who love you. And a partner that even on your lowest days is there for you to help you get up. But NEVER loose that positive mindset within yourself. Know that whatever you are going through may suck right now but it wont always suck. As my mom always says "embrace the suck". And its true. Embrace whatever difficulties you may be going through as a mother, a widower, single mother, daughter, sister, cousin, boss, friend etc. accept it. Then do something about it. Get that positive mindset back. Life is filled with unexpected adventures which makes it so fun. I can honestly say this is the most exciting, crazy, fun, most loving adventure I have ever been on. I am so excited to become a mother! Now without being nervous I excitedly scream from the top of my lungs "I AM PREGNANT!!!" with about a 5 second little shimmy dance to go along with it haha. I am so excited to start a family with my soon to be hubby! Ryder is going to change all of our lives for the better! I am so so so ready to have her in my arms and look into her eyes to see nothing but hope for our future. With that being said, its time to go plan out some baby nursery ideas and get ready for this girl. Until next time, xoxo

-Stylin Sav

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2 Kommentare

26. Aug. 2021

You are going to be an amazing mama and wife🖤

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24. Aug. 2021

I know I’ve said it before but, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your excitement and joy are exuded through your words <3

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