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Let's Get Packin, We Got A Baby On The Way!

Let me just start out by saying when it comes to pregnancy/motherhood you will be given TONS of advice from other women. Don't let it stress you out. Remember, they are just trying to help (even though at times I know it can be a little overwhelming just take a deep breath). The people around you just love you and want to see you succeed. Now when it comes to a women's individual labor experience everyone will have a different story to tell. Some have had amazing experiences while others not so much. At the end of the day, ALWAYS listen to YOUR gut. I will say... what helped me was I never asked for another women's birth experience (besides my own mother) cause girllllll there are some wild ass stories out there and I feel like the whole saying "innocence is bliss" is what I needed for a time like this! But that's the kind of person I am! Birthing videos would pop up on my Tik-Tok and I literally would have to swipe past them cause I knew if I watched I would go into a deep hole and start siking myself out being scared. Cause lets be real... WE ARE ABOUT TO PUSH OUT A HUMAN OUT OF OUR COOCHIE!!!! SHIT IS SCARY!!! But needless to say, women have been doing this for centuries so I have total faith in you that you got it!!

When it comes to packing a hospital bag you can search on Google a list to go off of. But (if you're like me) you will look up 5 different lists and then combine all of the list together and now you look like you are packing for a month camping trip in the middle of nowhere needing 10 outfit changes and 80 pairs of underwear. Trust me, you don't need all of that. The hospital has *almost* EVERYTHING you will need! Like I mentioned before, everyone's birthing experience is different so for me I was only in the hospital for one night. Since it is the peak of COVID cases rising I believe the hospital doesn't want you to sit and stay. They are trying to get you in and out as soon (and safe) as possible. However, I will say when it comes to packing plan for a 2 (maybe 3) night stay. Cause you just never know especially if a C-section unexpectedly happens.

I was induced at exactly 40 weeks pregnant. Being induced wasn't part of my "birth plan" however, a few days prior I was tested positive for COVID. Since I was coming to an end of my pregnancy and being that at the time I had COVID, my doctor thought it would be best to induce since she has seen a risk of blood clots in COVID positive pregnant mothers. I will say, by the time I got induced they re-tested me to see if I was still positive and by the grace of God my test came out negative! I was so happy! Anyways, when it comes to being induced often times the doctor has to break your water. She broke it and it was INSANE!! Not a bad insane, its not like I felt anything... It was just insane how much water came out! LOL. It was like a balloon that had popped! So I thought "oh ok that's it. It burst and now I'm done". NOOOOOOO. NO ONE told me that water is constantly RUSHING out!!! Especially every time you would have a contraction it would push more fluid out. It was crazy. It almost felt like you were sitting in your own pee cause you are just sitting in a pile of wet-ness lol. However, don't let this scare you... the nurses are really good at changing out the sheet under you so you can be comfortable. But again, constant fluid is coming out so the last thing you want is to be wearing an expensive hospital gown you decided to grab online. Or wearing your OWN socks from home. No. You are gonna wanna wear the nasty socks the hospital has, the nasty hospital gown, and use the hospital blanket (during labor) because the last thing you wanna do is get your own clothes dirty then after freaking giving birth to a human go home and do laundry. No, ain't nobody got time for that!

One of the things I did to utilize space in my bag is since I was being induced at 3am I knew whatever I was going to wear to the hospital I was only going to be wearing it for 15 mins (basically the car ride lol). I knew once I got there they would want me to change into the hospital gown. Soooo my "going home outfit" was just what I wore to the hospital. Since I LITERALLY mayyyybbee wore it for 15 mins. Think smarter not harder ;). Now I'm sure at this point you are like "chick just show me the dang list I don't need your whole life story" don't worry we are almost there.....

Now when it comes to packing for the baby, girllll you LITERALLY only need like 3 things. So don't stress about it. Also remember, the stay at the hospital is only temporary so you don't need to bring your diaper warmer--keep that extra shitzzz at home. And last...When it comes to your mans hospital bag the only thing I care about him bringing is a good attitude and no complaining! So with all of that being said here is a list of what you should pack....

Mommy's Packing List

Baby's Packing List

Daddy's Packing List

2 pairs of pajamas/outfits that are comfortable to wear during the day.

Outfit for that 'first picture on social media'

Good Attitude


Going home outfit

NO complaining

Going Home Outfit

1 Pacifier


Bath Towel (I am SO glad I brought my own towel cause the hospital ones truly sucked)

Blanket (it was cold when we had her so def had to bundle her up to the car)

Your own charger (don't be stealing mine lol)

Shampoo & Conditioner (not a must can def do without but it did feel good to wash my hair and smell nice)

Change of clothes

Body Soap


Face Wash

Poo Pourri (you get it lol)

Drivers License

​Credit Card/Debit Card (a photographer will come and take professional pictures and if you would like to purchase them you can)


Phone Charger

Makeup (I will say I packed my makeup bag and didn't even touch it. Only used a tinted moisturizer)

You're probably wondering "what about snacks!? A pillow for yourself?! Pads? Diapers?". First off, when it came to snacks anytime I was hungry I made my husband go get me food lol. Which he enjoyed because it gave him something to do and a chance to leave the hospital and move around. Everyone will tell you to bring a pillow which you can however, I am trying to pack light and smart. I don't want to be hauling all of this extra stuff that I can do without for a few days. But again, that's just me. I am also not much of a pillow person in general lol. When it comes to needing pads or diapers for your baby (and yes for yourself) you don't need to bring that. The hospital will provide all of that for you! Plus you will be able to bring it home as well which is nice!

Whatever you decide to pack and not pack just know at the end of the day the only thing you are going to care about is having that baby in your arms. Baby's are actually low maintenance when you think about it. All they want is love. They don't need a fancy outfit, bow, socks--you get the point. Just to be wrapped up in a warm swaddle laying on your chest. Motherhood is crazy. There are going to be good days and bad days. But I truly believe if you just relax and know deep down that honestly NO ONE really knows what they are doing, we are ALL just winging it. Everything will be okay. You will be okay. So no need to stress about what to pack. No need to worry if your birth plan doesn't go as you thought. Everything happens for a reason and the fact that we as women are so powerful that we bring HUMAN LIFE into this world is insane. You are stronger than you think. I hope this helps you find insight of what to expect when planning for that big arrival day and better soothe you to know that you got it. I believe in you. Now go kick ass momma, you got a baby on the way!

***Below are links to my to shop my hospital clothes, bag, and more***

-Hospital Clothes:

-Easy Light Makeup:

-Hospital Bag:

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